I’ve previously talked about the hardware design of the the OpenVizsla OV3 USB hardware analyzer, and about the FPGA design.
Now we could use OV3 to sniff some USB traffic - but we can do this later as well. Instead we should write a ‘hello world’-type component.
Hello, World I’ve chosen to implement something that allows to write an 8-bit register, does a computation (invert all bits), and allow that to be read back.
I’ve previously talked about the hardware design of the the OpenVizsla OV3 USB hardware analyzer.
This time I want to give a broad overview of how the FPGA part of the design works.
The OpenVizsla FPGA design (available in the GitHub OV repository was written using Migen, “a Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware”. Migen allows to write logic as the result of a Python script, and compile them to Verilog (and ultimately an FPGA bitstream).